Choose Organic & Clean Ingredients
Our Story:
I was sipping on a cup of coffee one morning not long after my mother had passed, it was about a week or so after and I was a bit angry. I wasn’t angry at myself, or her, or really anything specific. It was just plain anger. My mother had passed away at the age of 68 from lung cancer that had metastasized to her brain. The cancer took her quickly compared to others I know and have heard about. She (mother) passed away in three months from diagnosis. So many of us have these types of stories. Cancer has touched us all. In fact, I married into a large family that wasn’t just touched by cancer, they were downright punched in the face repeatedly! Multiple family members with breast cancer, bone cancer, bladder cancer, leukemia, skin, liver, lung and the list goes on. We all have these stories and sometimes I think we have become somewhat numb to it all. Don’t get me wrong, we care deeply, and we miss them every single day, but what do we do about it? Stop smoking? Eat better/cleaner? Try and live healthier? Yes! Yes, to all of that. Then the results… I felt marginally better, and as I took the time to dive in to what I was doing to reduce my risk to cancer and just trying to overall live healthier (I tried juicing at that time) I noticed that I had to buy organic vegetables other wise I was putting massive amounts of pesticides in my body meaning the thing I was doing (juicing) that I thought was reducing my risk to such diseases was doing just the opposite. I was main streaming pesticides and chemicals right into my body under the cloak of healthy living. I gave up for a while. I lived my normal life ingesting whatever was on sale. I felt like shit…
Fast forward to the last few years. I had and enjoyed a small batch single origin coffee one day that blew my mind! Is this what coffee was supposed to tase like? I remember it being an Ethiopian single origin roasted to a lighter side of medium. It was wonderful. All I have had prior to this as far as “fancy” coffee was over roasted big star companies that run on what ever bean they had and made it taste the same, then they loaded it with sugar until it was accepted main stream by people that knew very little about coffee at all. Ugh… Needless to say, I bought some of that Ethiopian coffee from the small batch roaster. It was over $20 for 12 oz’s. I couldn’t maintain that cost for my daily cup. I started roasting my own at home. When sourcing the beans I made a choice to buy organic. Thinking of mom (maybe she was guiding me) I took the healthier route. My coffee was BETTER than that small roaster! I realized that I wasn’t just drinking an organic version of what he did. I was drinking FRESH ROASTED organic coffee. It was spectacular. I had to share. Friends, some family, and I got a good response from it. This led me to some bigger equipment and a small website because… why not right? So, hear I am. I’m slowly growing a small batch coffee roasting business providing organic and fair trade (that’s a whole other thing we’ll get into later) FRESH ROASTED COFFEE that makes me feel great that others are making this choice too and I’m helping buy lowering the price per ounce because I don’t have the cost of a coffee shop. I leave that part up to you! It was an easy choice. I/we put coffee in us every day, and some of us more than others… I don’t judge. It makes sense to choose something that I know is free from harmful chemicals. Baby steps, right?
Present day… I’m adding some items to the website that make sense to me. Is it a new great tasting coffee blend I came up with? Sorry to inform you, it is not. It doesn’t have anything to do with coffee. I found a wonderful all organic hot cocoa mix this year right before Christmas (too close to market it before Christmas). Why not add something I/we can feel good about to the website. It will soon be available during the colder months, for now I will have a limited supply of it to sell. It’s a bit pricier than I would like, so at this time (until I can source an alternative) it will be sold close to my cost.
My wife and I have also just gone down the rabbit hole of other food products that you wouldn’t think of that have become a commercially convenient for them to market to us by making something shelf stable so its easier to sell instead of providing a healthier more natural product to the consumer that we put in our body EVERY DAY. We found something that aligns well with our fresh roasted coffee model. Freshly ground Wheat flour for baking. Turns out big companies strip flour of almost all the nutrients, just so it lasts longer on the store shelf. Wait, it gets better. Some time ago the government had to step in and force those companies to “enrich” the striped flour with synthetic nutrients because people were getting deficient of certain vitamins and minerals. This is crazy. Now I get how we got here (stay with me). Freshly ground whole wheat berries can go bad somewhat quickly sitting on a store shelf, but I don’t feel they (Big Flour- haha) should sell me a stripped-down product that they have to “enrich” with a synthetic nutrient because they were forced to in a 5lbs bag, so I don’t die and unknowingly feel better? Yeah, it’s bullshit. Here’s an idea, I sourced a phenomenal organic wheat berry. (Fun fact the wheat berry is very close to being a superfood! It almost has everything in it needed for a human to survive! Cool.) I plan on offering it on our website www.sidebeancoffee.com as a Fresh Ground Organic Product following our current model of Fresh Roasted Organic Coffee. You’ll be able to order a couple pounds of fresh milled wheat flour as you need it at the best price I possibly can do, and hey… try some of our great coffee too! It will have a “Milled on Date” just like our coffee has a “Roasted On” date to ensure freshness. We’ll dive in to how to store it and how you should think about ordering it when you’ll need it. We have fast shipping so don’t fret! This may involve freezing some to have on hand and ordering more when you know you are going to be baking (don’t forget to share – we love cookies). We’ll also have some great recipes to share and maybe a public forum to share ideas with each other in the future.
Listen, I understand that I currently can not get everything that I put in my body to be non-cancer causing, but I can make small steps to try. One product at a time. Let’s start with the things we put in our bodies every day. The products you give to your children. If I/we can make sourcing these items for you easier we will. Side Bean Coffee isn’t just coffee anymore and we couldn’t be happier.
Side Bean Coffee
& Organics?
Contact us: support@sidebean.com